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Theme and Primary TextWhy are these texts important?More ReadingStands in Opposition
Political Theory Definition and PurposeHow can you think about a topic if you can't define it?
The Purpose of Philosophy by Isaiah BerlinA general essay about the value of Philosophy,
it also applies to Political Theory
Isaiah Berlin at the Stanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyThe Grand Design by Stephen Hawking
Democratic Theory
On Democracy by Robert Dahl
Distributive Justice
Justice & Fairness
The Republic by Plato
Second Treatise of Government by John Locke
Political Liberalism or Justice as Fairness both by John RawlsMany people believe that the whole of Political Theory over the last 50 years is composed of John Rawls and those who react to him!Political Liberalism review by Sandel.Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick
Social Contract Theory
Leviathan by Thomas Hobbs
Second Treatise of Government by John Locke
Utilitarianism by John Stuart Millutilitarianism.net
An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation by Jeremy BenthamFirst sentence, "Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure." From this thought flows Utilitarianism, which leads to liberalism, which leads to Socialism, which leads to . . .
Utopian and Anti-Utopianism
Utopia by Thomas MooreThis is the work that gave an entire genre a name!
If your serious about learning the subject,
this is a must read. It describes a society designed for the benefit of all it's citizens. Often seen as an early Socialist work.
1984 by George Orwell [Affiliate link] Describes a society designed to maxamize the power of the ruling class, often seen as a warning about the excesses of Socialism and/or Communism.
Political Liberalism or Justice as Fairness both by John RawlsAs with so much Political Theory, John Rawls was not just looking to the past or moralizing about the present, he was providing a plan for the future. This is why I believe we can place Justice as Fairness in particular under the heading of Utopianism.Anarchy, State and Utopia by Robert Nozick


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